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Blog d'Étienne Pourcher

68Forêt en Fête 2012 : les trésors de nos forêts

le 16/05/2012 à 9:36 par Etienne - Vosges

A la Communauté de Communes du Canton de Brouvelieures, avec les organisateurs de la manifestation "forêt en fête" nous avons présenté officiellement l'affiche et le programme de Forêt en Fête 2012 dont le thème cette année porte sur les "Trésors de nos Forêts". Comme l'année dernière, le dessinateur Hughes Fertin s'est attelé à la confection du graphisme de l'affiche reconnaissable entre toutes et mettant en avant les ressources procurées par les forêts des massifs vosgiens: bois d'oeuvre, petits fruits, champignons, nature remarquable,... Tout autant de trésors que les 3 jours de la manifestation mettront à l'honneur. Cela démarrera sur les chapeaux de roues avec la soirée-concert organisée au Haut-Fer de Brouaumont par l'association SEMER: le duo d'accordéonistes EXPIRE mettra assurément l'ambiance! Les samedi et Dimanche, le Moulin de Frémifontaine accueillera toute la journée les artisans, producteurs locaux et les animations sur la filière bois/forêt chère à ce canton . La soirée du samedi se déroulera à la salle de Domfaing avec un concert de Taenn, musique celtique entre Bretagne et Irlande.

Mobilisant de nombreux bénévoles sans qui rien ne serait possible, "forêt en fête" valorise l'atout principal de notre territoire, à savoir la forêt, qui fait nos paysages, une bonne part de notre activité économique, mais aussi notre attractivité touristique et de loisirs. Ce grand rendez-vous annuel qui a reçu plus de 1 000 visiteurs l'an passé est un moment familial et ludique pour tous et en accès libre.

la Communauté de Communes réalise cette animation en partenariat avec les associations, les entreprises du canton  qui en est déjà à sa troisième édition ! Rendez-vous les 1er, 2 et 3 Juin en vallée de la Mortagne !!

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Posté par Trealdboome le 10/04/2024 à 8:43

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ДСК «Вершинка W », преимущества покупки:Металлические детские спортивные комплексы.

Posté par Trealdboome le 10/04/2024 à 2:27

Вырезаем кольца лобзиком.Выбор модели ДСК связан с наличием на участке достаточной площади для ее установки. Мы предлагаем компактные варианты с габаритами от 2,0х2,0 м, среднего размера 2,0х3,5 м и даже полномасштабный спортивно-игровой центр 2,5х5,0 м. Помните, что необходимо предусмотреть 2 м свободного пространства с каждой стороны ДСК до ограждений и насаждений. Практически все варианты ДСК для улицы устанавливаются путем цементирования «стаканов», что теоретически позволяет производить демонтаж комплекса на зиму. Исключения составляют только ДСК «Спорт Окей» и деревянные «Карусель»: у них цементируются основания. 4.
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Детский спортивный комплекс для квартиры «Карамелька виолет»Задняя крышка: открытая.

Posté par Trealdboome le 07/04/2024 à 16:24

Купить спортивный комплекс (уголок) детский.Отдельно хотелось бы упомянуть уличные тренажеры для людей с ограниченными возможностями. В этой категории у нас представлено несколько десятков моделей – для разных групп мышц. А также эксклюзивное оборудование инновационного дизайна. Оно полностью сделано из нержавеющей, отполированной до зеркального блеска стали и имеет радиальные (округлые) изгибы, повышающие прочность конструкции.

Первое, что нужно знать, это то, что такое прекрасное заводящее мероприятие будет проходить 11 июля. Так что билеты на него стоит приобрести заранее, поскольку на событии будут выступать люди, поющие песни двух легендарных джазовых исполнителей, известных на весь мир. Это гениальнейшие музыканты, лучше которых джазовую музыку не исполнит никто. Имена этих людей должен помнить каждый любитель этого музыкального направления. Это Элла Фицжеральд и Луи Армстронг. Этот дуэт принято по праву считать первым в джазовой истории. В прохладный вечер лета 2018-го года на площадке «Все. Свои» каждый сможет вдоволь насладиться тремя выпущенными студийными музыкальными сборниками артистов.три на три метра четыре на четыре метра два на три метра.

Posté par Vonaldboome le 07/04/2024 à 1:54

Проект “Спортивный курорт”Подбирая для себя домашний спортивный комплекс, вспомните себя в детстве – хотелось попробовать все. Поэтому подберите для ребенка максимально доступный вам по цене универсал. Такие сочетают в себе различные спортивные снаряды (начиная от банального турника и каната, и заканчивая гимнастическими кольцами, матами с нескользящим покрытием), а также качели и горки.

Детские спортивные комплексы для дома компактны и занимают маленькую площадь в квартире, в то же время они насыщены разнообразными приспособлениями для проведения многих упражнений и спортивных развлечений.Цены на уличные игровые городки и площадки.

Posté par Vonaldboome le 04/04/2024 à 14:19

Детские спортивные комплексы для дачи.ДСК от интернет-магазина «Ладас»

Детский спортивный комплекс Космолет порадует любого ребенка. Активные игры поспособствуют физическому и умственному развитию малыша. Подробнее.Так же, по индивидуальному проекту могут быть «под ключ» установлены площадки, содержащие только то спортивное оборудование, которое закажет заказчик. При необходимости спортивная площадка может быть дополнено специальным синтетическим травмобезопасным покрытием, такое покрытие изготовленно из каучуковой и резиновой крошки, которое обеспечивает высокую степень безопасности от травм.

Posté par Trealdboome le 04/04/2024 à 7:49

Цена от 2 750 грн.Для поддержания интереса ребенка возможна сборка в 4-х разных вариациях;

Складной детский спорткомплекс «Лиана» отличается от других спортуголков, тем, что он компактный. Легко и быстро складывается и раскладывается буквально за 1 минуту. Для этого необходимо закрутить четыре ручки. Изготовлен данный детский спорткомплекс из высококачественного, прочного, гибкого древа – ясеня, что дает ему изящность. Поверхность спорткомплекса покрыты лаком на водной основе. Подробнее.Детский спортивный комплекс для дома KindWood.

Posté par Vonaldboome le 03/04/2024 à 18:15

Спорткомплекс Трансформер-Горка.Спорткомплексы есть деревянные и металлические! Вы можете использовать их как ДОМА, так и на УЛИЦЕ!

В весенне-летний сезон так приятно сбежать от городской суеты на дачу, при этом захватив с собой детей. И очень важно постараться отвлечь их от экранов мониторов или телефонов. Помогут в этом металлические детские площадки для дачи. Благодаря своей конструкции и приспособлениям детские спортивные комплексы приятно разнообразят досуг ребенка, в то время как вы займетесь полевыми работами. Мечтой любого малыша является собственный уголок игровых приспособлений, которые помогут развить силу и ловкость в процессе игры.пр-т Мира, 99/101 еще 39 адресов.

Posté par Vonaldboome le 20/03/2024 à 1:08

Гимнастический тренажерный комплекс Панда.Что такое уличные тренажеры? Это просто упрощенный вариант серьезного тренажерного оборудования, стоимость которого может достигать серьезных цифр, и которое устанавливается только в приспособленных помещениях. А уличные тренажеры компании IgroSport устанавливаются на открытом воздухе. Ассортимент таких тренажеров большой, а для примера можно привести некоторые виды выпускаемой продукции:

Лучшим подарком для непоседливого активного малыша станет спортивный комплекс для дома SportWood! Подробнее.Детские игровые комплексы - какова же цена?

Posté par Trealdboome le 19/03/2024 à 9:09

InterAtletika УТ-116.1 - это уличный спортивн. комплекс, гимнастический снаряд - рукоход, предназначенный для установки и использования на улице. Этот гимнастический элемент поможет эффективно развивать мышцы рук. Рукоход выдерживает вес пользователя не более 130 кг. Длина рукохода составляет 5,83 м.Как выбрать батут.

Спортивные комплексы для дома и улицы – это не только веселое развлечение для Вашего малыша, но и гарантия полноценного физического развития. Такие площадки можно устанавливать для малыша уже с 1 года и позже. Он будет постепенно осваивать все «препятствия», параллельно развивая свою координацию, ловкость и силу.4. Комплектация и возможности расширения.

Posté par NerryobedY le 07/03/2024 à 1:09

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Posté par burenokget le 24/12/2021 à 8:57

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свж новини, аналтика, ексклюзивн коментар, фото тау рол аферистки з'явилася в трейлер фльму Вдчайдушн шахрайки (вдео)Топ-10 фльмв, як варто подивитися напередодн Нового року (вдео).
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, 21. 01:10, (прочит: 786 раз, коментовано: 0 раз). Також у фльм буде Ребел Улсон. Переговори з актрисою веде студя MGM щодо участ Енн в рмейку комед "Вдчайдушн шахра". Картина, випущена в 1988 роц, отримала дуже теплий прийом у глядачв. Комедя Френка Оза розповда про двох афериств (х грали Майкл Кейн Ств Мартн), як наживаються на багатих вдовах, але обламують зуби об якусь американку. Фльм Оза, в свою чергу, був ремейком комед 1964 року "Казка на нч" з Марлоном БрандоДевдом Нивен Одна з двчат згра аферистку високого класу, нша - шахрайку простше. MGM вже затвердила на одну з ролей австралйську актрису Ребел Влсон, зрку фльму "деальний голос".
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Like many other ailments, people are not properly informed about the reality of sleep apnea, especially if they have never dealt with it before. Many people begin to develop this issue later in life and are unaware of how to reduce problems with it- that is where this article comes in with useful tips!

One way to improve your sleep apnea is to shed excess weight that you are carrying. Being overweight or obese places pressure on your neck, which can compress your windpipe as you sleep. Losing just 25 pounds can make a difference in your symptoms, and losing enough weight can eliminate the disorder altogether.

Consider doing a few very specific exercises before going to bed each night, to alleviate some of your sleep apnea symptoms. Exercising throat and tongue muscles has been proven in scientific studies to reduce snoring, improve breathing and lessen the more profound effects of sleep apnea when done according to doctor's orders.

Avoid drinking alcohol to excess. Your muscles are relaxed by drinking alcohol. You may want to feel more relaxed, but it can exacerbate your apnea. When your throat muscles relax, your airway narrows and causes sleep apnea. If you're not going to give up alcohol, then just don't do it right before bedtime.

If you tend to snore a lot and have difficulties staying asleep, you should go see your doctor right away. You might have a condition known as sleep apnea: find an effective treatment so you can get enough sleep and go through your daily activities without being held back by your health problem.

To help diagnose your sleep apnea, your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep log. This log is where you'll keep track of how much you sleep during the night, and other symptoms you may experience. Your partner can let you know if you snore too loudly, jerk your limbs, or stop breathing. Your doctor will then be able to tell if you suffer from sleep apnea.

Do not let sleep apnea ruin your relationship. If your partner has difficulties sleeping next to you because of your snoring or other symptoms linked to sleep apnea, communicate about the problem. be understanding and consider sleeping apart or getting a CPAP machine to reduce your snoring and other symptoms.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol. Alcoholic beverages will relax the muscles in your throat, which makes it more likely that they will block your airway during your sleep. At the very least, avoid any alcoholic beverages in the evening before you get ready for bed.

If simple changes in your lifestyle, such as regular sleep hours and losing weight, have not eliminated your sleep apnea episodes, it is time to consult with a sleep specialist. The specific causes of your sleep apnea can be evaluated, and an individual treatment plan can be designed for you.

By reading through the great sleep apnea tips found in this article, you are ready to face your problem head on. While you may not be able to rid yourself of the problem completely, you will feel more confident and start working towards that all-important goal, a good night's sleep.


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After 17 months of hearings, in which pharmaceutical executives were openly berated for profiteering and doctors were portrayed as dupes of pharmaceutical companies' marketing departments, Kefauver presented his bill, S.1552. Perhaps its least controversial components were its calls for ensuring that the FDA review claims of efficacy before drug approval, monitor pharmaceutical advertising, and ensure that all drugs had readable generic names. More radically, Kefauver proposed completely overhauling the relationship between patents and therapeutic innovation. First, he proposed a compulsory licensing provision so that all important new drugs would generate competitive markets after 3 years. Second, and more controversial still, Kefauver wanted to eliminate “me-too drugs” and “molecular modifications” by insisting that a new drug be granted a patent only if it produced a therapeutic effect “significantly greater than that of the drug before modification.”1 Proving that a drug worked, according to Kefauver, was not enough: he wanted proof that a drug worked better than its predecessors. In contemporary terms, he wanted to know its comparative effectiveness.
These numbers may not fully capture the reasons why a device reaches the market more quickly in one country than in another and do not reflect experiences with all innovative, high-risk devices. However, unless one uses equivalent standards in terms of the level of risk, the start and end points of the process, and the key end point of market access, accurate comparisons cannot be made.
The GSK corporate integrity agreement does include some provisions that attempt to change corporate culture. First, GSK must revise its compensation systems to “ensure that financial incentives do not inappropriately motivate” sales representatives; these changes include new restrictions on compensation for off-label promotion. GSK has now implemented a program to eliminate incentive-based compensation for sales representatives based on “territory/individual level sales goals,” which will alter the financial incentives for sales representatives who meet with physicians. Second, GSK senior executives and other employees who are paid bonuses and other compensation may in the future be asked to repay those amounts if certain types of fraudulent behavior occur that violate the corporate integrity agreement. As has been noted in the financial press, this requirement does nothing to recoup several substantial recent bonuses given to senior management at such firms,2 but it does make it more difficult to repeat the practice, at least at GSK. Third, in view of the serious questions about failure to report negative data related to Avandia's safety, GSK must commit itself to “research and publication practices” designed to make more clinical trial information available to clinicians and regulators. These commitments have several disturbing exceptions: GSK will “generally” seek publication for research results, and summaries of clinical trial data will be posted on a clinical study register “with rare exception.” These are but partial steps toward transparency.
Inappropriate formulations and packaging may contribute to low adherence, medication errors, and safety and efficacy problems. Additional considerations for a largely elderly population will include the need for easy administration, possible dose reduction, the effects of visual and motor impairment, and the likelihood of polypharmacy. If appropriate, protocols should be designed for evaluating patients' ability to manage their own medications. Regulators should also look favorably on nondrug technologies such as information and communication technology systems for monitoring adherence or clinical signs.
Kefauver's bill met strong resistance as it made its way through the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly.2 The American Medical Association firmly opposed the regulation of efficacy by a government agency, arguing that “the only possible final determination as to the efficacy and ultimate use of a drug is the extensive clinical use of that drug by large numbers of the medical profession over a long period of time.”3 The editors of the Journal, on the other hand, supported the efficacy provision and the expansion of generic drug names but opposed the patent provisions (considering them an “arbitrary discrimination” against the pharmaceutical industry) and the comparative effectiveness provisions (considering “proof of superiority” necessary only if superiority was actually being “claimed by the manufacturer”).4 The pharmaceutical industry amplified such concerns about comparative effectiveness, arguing that any a priori determination of which medicines were “me-too” and which were true innovations would be arbitrary. Efficacy was hard enough to prove, they suggested; proving comparative efficacy would be “completely impracticable.”3
It's important to provide adequate information to patients and prescribers. That's impossible if there are no good data, but sometimes data included in a drug-development dossier are not adequately reflected in the approval documents. There must be greater focus on the package insert, the regulatory document most widely referred to by the public, which must do a better job of explaining how to take the medication, whether dosage adjustments are advised for older patients, and what is known about use with concomitant medications.
In a 2012 observational study involving Tennessee Medicaid patients, Ray et al.1 quantified the risk of death from cardiovascular causes associated with azithromycin as compared with other antibacterial drugs or nonuse. The study showed that the risks of death, both from any cause and from cardiovascular causes, associated with azithromycin were greater than those associated with amoxicillin. For every 21,000 outpatient prescriptions written for azithromycin, one cardiovascular death occurred in excess of those observed with the same number of amoxicillin prescriptions. The excess risk over amoxicillin varied considerably according to cardiovascular risk factors; the researchers estimated that there was one excess cardiovascular death per 4100 prescriptions among patients at high cardiovascular risk but less than one per 100,000 among patients with lower cardiovascular risk.
Within a year after gaining approval at the end of 2006, Budeprion XL 300 mg became the subject of intense media coverage describing adverse events in patients being treated for major depressive disorder who had switched to the generic drug from Wellbutrin XL. Approval of Budeprion XL 300 mg was based on the results of a bioequivalence study of Budeprion XL 150 mg and Wellbutrin XL 150 mg, which were extrapolated to the 300-mg product. Our new data provide direct comparative pharmacokinetic analyses of the 300-mg products.
For both private and public systems in the United States, the pathway to patient access to a device starts with the submission of an application to the FDA. The FDA reviews innovative, high-risk devices for safety and effectiveness (clinical benefit) under the premarket approval (PMA) process, and information on the duration of reviews is publicly available. In fiscal year 2011, the FDA approved 40 applications for PMA. The average review time was 13.1 months, with 8.4 months attributed to FDA review time, and 4.7 months to the time the agency waits for the sponsor to address deficiencies in the application (“sponsor time”).3 CMS provides reimbursement for the majority of devices when they earn FDA approval. For a limited number of devices each year, however, CMS conducts a national coverage determination in response to external requests for validation or for devices that have limited or conflicting evidence of clinical benefit. This process averaged 8.6 months over the past 5 fiscal years.4 Although it is difficult to obtain data on how long private insurers take to make coverage decisions, anecdotal information from private insurers suggests that decisions are made within a few weeks to a few months after FDA approval, depending on the amount and quality of evidence of clinical benefit.
Finally, these types of fraud are hard to detect from the outside. Internal documents are often critical to these cases. Most of the time, these documents are provided by internal whistleblowers. In a recent survey, researchers identified several ways in which the whistleblower provisions of the False Claims Act could be strengthened to encourage whistleblowers to come forward and to protect them from retaliation.5 Whistleblowers should be encouraged, not punished for their testimony.
The long delay between the approval of Budeprion XL 300 mg in late 2006 and the appearance of the bioequivalence results reported here, during which the product remained listed by the FDA as a generic substitute for Wellbutrin XL 300 mg, is problematic. Because of the risk of seizure associated with high doses of bupropion, the agency initially took a conservative approach to trial design. Today, the FDA has greater understanding of the risk of seizure with bupropion. At the time of the sponsor's 2007 study, some critics considered its design to be flawed. The results of the recent study by the FDA show that a design entailing the enrollment of a more accessible trial population might well have brought the bioequivalence data to light sooner. In retrospect, the conservative approach did not provide the right conclusions regarding therapeutic equivalence in a timely manner.
The Surfactant, Positive Pressure, and Oxygenation Randomized Trial (SUPPORT), carried out at more than 20 sites between 2004 and 2009, sought to identify, in infants born very prematurely at 24 to 27 weeks' gestation, the oxygen-saturation level within the range considered the standard of care that would minimize the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a complication of oxygen therapy that can result in vision loss.2 When the study began, targeting an oxygen-saturation range of 85 to 95% was becoming standard clinical practice, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) later recommended this range in its 2007 guidelines. The SUPPORT researchers and institutional review boards (IRBs), practicing clinicians, and the AAP had no scientific evidence to expect a difference in mortality between the two treatment groups in SUPPORT — one with the oxygen saturation target of 85 to 89%, the other with the target of 91 to 95%.
These measures can certainly be improved. For one thing, though all these provisions seem advisable, they are imposed only under a corporate integrity agreement, as opposed to official regulations, and expire in 5 years. Legislative reformers should consider whether the entire industry should be regulated on a level playing field, as opposed to through piecemeal agreements. In addition, individuals must be held responsible in appropriate circumstances. Models might include federal tax law, under which directors and officers of nonprofit corporations cannot be indemnified against fines imposed on them as individuals for particularly egregious violations.3 Key leaders can also be excluded from participation in federal health programs. The academic researchers involved in the controversy regarding the safety data for Avandia has thus far escaped sanctions as well.4
Fifty years ago this month, President John F. Kennedy signed into law the Kefauver–Harris Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (see photoPresident John F. Kennedy Signing the 1962 Kefauver–Harris Amendments.). With the stroke of a pen, a threadbare Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was given the authority to require proof of efficacy (rather than just safety) before approving a new drug — a move that laid the groundwork for the phased system of clinical trials that has since served as the infrastructure for the production of knowledge about therapeutics in this country. We often remember the Kefauver–Harris Amendments for the thalidomide scandal that drove their passage in 1962. But there is much we have collectively forgotten about Senator Estes Kefauver (D-TN) and his hearings on administered prices in the drug industry. Many parts of the bill left on Congress's cutting-room floor in 1962 — and left out of our memories since — have not disappeared but continue to confront those who would ensure access to innovative, safe, efficacious, and affordable therapeutics.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed a head-to-head bioequivalence study of single doses of the generic drug Budeprion XL 300 mg (extended-release bupropion hydrochloride, manufactured by Impax Laboratories and distributed by Teva Pharmaceuticals) and the brand-name drug Wellbutrin XL 300 mg (Biovail). The agency has concluded that Budeprion XL 300 mg cannot be considered therapeutically equivalent to the brand-name product. We at the FDA are therefore changing our bioequivalence recommendations for extended-release bupropion products and have asked other manufacturers of 300-mg extended-release bupropion products to conduct additional bioequivalence studies.
After the approval of Budeprion XL, the Tmax disparity between Budeprion XL 150 mg and Wellbutrin XL 150 mg remained a source of concern. This concern, along with the reports that began surfacing after initial marketing of Budeprion XL 300 mg, prompted the FDA to recommend, in November 2007, that the sponsor conduct a clinical comparison with the 300-mg product. The FDA believed that the most appropriate population for this study would be patients who had reported a lack of efficacy or unwanted side effects after switching from Wellbutrin XL 300 mg to Budeprion XL 300 mg; the protocol therefore stipulated the enrollment of such patients. By early 2008, the sponsor had begun preparing to conduct the recommended study. Unfortunately, the study was terminated because of an inability to enroll a sufficient number of patients who met the entry criteria.
In Europe, by contrast, most of the 27 member countries of the European Union (EU) have publicly financed health care systems; such systems cover approximately four fifths of the populations of the four largest device markets. All EU countries require devices to first obtain a Conformité Européenne (CE) marking, which refers to a symbol shown on products that indicates market approval throughout the EU. The CE marking process is conducted by for-profit, third-party “notified bodies” that have been accredited by a member country to assess device safety and performance but do not evaluate effectiveness (which requires more clinical data). Although publicly available data are limited, anecdotal information from notified bodies suggests that the process takes 1 to 3 months, excluding sponsor time.
In 2011, approximately 40.3 million people in the United States (roughly one eighth of the population) received an outpatient prescription for the macrolide azithromycin, according to IMS Health. During that year, we at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed the labels of azithromycin and other approved macrolide antibacterials in view of cardiovascular risks that had become evident from published studies and reports emerging through postmarketing surveillance. On the basis of its review, the FDA approved revisions to azithromycin product labels regarding risks of QT-interval prolongation and the associated ventricular arrhythmia torsades de pointes. The revised labels advise against using azithromycin in patients with known risk factors such as QT-interval prolongation, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, bradycardia, or use of certain antiarrhythmic agents, including class IA (e.g., quinidine and procainamide) and class III (e.g., dofetilide, amiodarone, and sotalol) — drugs that can prolong the QT interval. In March 2013, the FDA announced that azithromycin labels had been further revised to reflect the results of a clinical study showing that azithromycin can prolong the corrected QT interval.
A 400-Gram Female Infant Delivered at 24 and 4/7 Weeks.
To further illustrate this point, we compared the time to approval for five innovative, high-risk medical devices available in France, Italy, and the United States (see tableComparison of Time to Market Access for Five Innovative Devices in France, Italy, and the United States.). These case studies indicate that the average time to market access for these devices was 26.3 months in France, 30.8 months in Italy, and 15.3 months in the United States.

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